
My name is Karin Maria Schertler. I am an expert on large scale transformation in the VUCA age.

My ambition: Future-proof societies and organisations.

My goal: Excellent value creation for the good of all.

The “leitmotif” of my extensive professional expertise: I operate between the poles of technology, organisations and the human being. (for more details see LinkedIn). I am a Transformation Architect and a Chief Transformation Agent likewise. Or to put it differently: I‘m the BRAIN and the HEART of large scale transformation successes.

I publish my observations, views and research results in the industry and commercial press as well as in this blog.

Serviceplan finishes 1st in the category „Better Work“ for the transforma New Work SE Award 2023tion project „weMOVE“ Weiterlesen

Serviceplan finishes 1st in the category „Better Work“ for the transforma New Work SE Award 2023tion project „weMOVE“

No1 in the category „Better Work“ (New Work SE Award 2023) for the transformation project „weMOVE“ of the Serviceplan Group (+1.700 people at the Munich location). This video shares insights of the most important …

My most popular article in Manager Magazine – now available in English

Why managers should see red more often…and why blue is still a beautiful colour. Weiterlesen

Why managers should see red more often…and why blue is still a beautiful colour.

Very few of us would think of tightening a loose screw with a hammer, yet in 2019, it is common for managers to work on red problems using blue tools. And vice versa.

A detailed „lessons learned“ report on the selforganization framework „Holacracy“ for Wirtschaftspsychologie aktuell (Germany‘s leading business psychology magazin)

“Transformation—whether digital or analog—acts like a destructive tsunami if it doesn’t touch people’s hearts”Karin Maria Schertler

“The greatest cardinal error in the age of transformation? Failing to capitalize on the collective intelligence of the organization.”Karin Maria Schertler

“The magic happens when digital, business & social transformation meet: then corporations and individuals solve more problems than they create.”Karin Maria Schertler

“How many butterflies would there be if caterpillars had the same fears as we humans?”Karin Maria Schertler

    Whitepaper: 8 Propositions for a New Era – first published in 2015 and still highly up-to-date!

    Successful Company Management in the 3rd Millennium. 8 Propositions for a New Era. Weiterlesen

    Successful Company Management in the 3rd Millennium. 8 Propositions for a New Era.

    For more than ten years, I have been very intensively involved with social and operational change processes—both at the level of organizations and at the level of the individuals concerned. In addition to my …